Tuesday, April 28, 2009

1st Emergency Room visit!

So today we took Leslie to the Emergency room for the first time. Beginning yesterday at about the time that double Jeopardy came on, Leslie began feeling very hot and had icy cold hands. Stephanie said that she thought she might be catching a cold or something. We eventually went to sleep as Leslie was not feeling well. SO, at about 4:30am this morning she woke up screaming- crying and shaking. We took her temp. and it was over 101 degrees. She felt extremely hot and was doing this kind of jitter, shaky weird thing which really made us uneasy. We calmed her down and went back to sleep until my alarm went off at around 6:45am. She woke up again screaming and shaking weirdly, so we decided that we should go to the doctor or something. So we met up with Steph's mom and headed to the doctor. Of course, it was closed so we went to the Emergency room. By this time Leslie was mostly calm but still not feeling well. They looked her over and couldn't find anything serious and just gave her some Tylenol to break the fever. They wanted to do every test that they could think of on her and thought that we were freaks for not having given her any immunizations yet - So we want to wait - BIG deal! I guess we must be horrible parents or something - anyway- we said um no thanks to some horrible test and that was about it. Stephanie was a little rattled over the whole thing and Leslie still is not up to par but she's doing a little better. We all went to Starbucks for a relaxing frap afterwards and I headed back to work - The End - Ryan


  1. I'm loving Ryan's writing style. Hilarious.

    Hope Leslie gets to feeling better very soon!

  2. Ah, having a sick baby is no fun, and emergency room visits are scary and expensive! Moriah has been twice, including an ambulance ride. Yuck! I hope Leslie feels better soon. And, yeah, dr's can be pushy about those immunizations! Thankfully, our ped. isn't, but her fill-in is! lol Sounds like we have some similar ideas about childrearing, at least when it comes to cloth diapers and immunizations! (Though, we haven't delayed all shots, just some.) Hope your baby feels better soon and you two can get some rest.

  3. I hope Leslie is better. You know you can call Toni or Nancy for questions too when the babes are sick. That's what I do before I go to the Dr. I'll pray for her right now though.
