Friday, November 14, 2008

Ponderings of a new mom

For the past four years, I've worked as an administrative assistant to different administrators at Piedmont Baptist College. There it was easy to "measure my success." Each day I would ask myself at the end of the day what I was able to accomplish. Most days, I could go home satisfied that I had completed such and such a project. I could look at my desk and see that a stack of papers were missing which meant that they were completely taken care of and I could move on to different projects.

Now that I'm a mommy, "measuring my success" is not as simple. Success right now is having a somewhat tidy home when Ryan comes home from work. It's having another load of laundry at least in the washer waiting to be put in the dryer. It's a clean load of baby clothes folded in the basket waiting to be put away. It's remembering to eat. It's that garbage bag full of diapers by the door waiting to be taken out. It's having the vacuum out ready to vacuum at the next available opportunity. It's showering before noon. It's feeding my little girl, changing her diaper, and feeding her again because I upset her changing her diaper. It's getting a burp out of her.

OK, so maybe it's hard to measure the success of a new mommy. Maybe a really successful day is holding my baby again because her gassy little smiles just melt my heart. Lord, may I manage my time wisely and measure success by Your measuring stick and not mine.


  1. All I can say is something you've probably heard a million times already. Hold her and hold her and hold her. Don't worry about the laundry, dirty dishes or even the shower (well the shower probably needs to be taken!):)Everything else will wait. Hold your baby, watch her sleep, watch her wake up, and adore her every minute because it goes WAY TOO FAST! :) Enjoy this special time. Each new stage will bring new and exciting things and you will love each stage more if that's possible. We are just thrilled for both of you! (I mean all three of you!) Love Susan
